I am now certified to teach S.E.L. (Social and Emotional Learning)
which includes Meditation, Yoga and Other Practices

Free Meditations I Recorded For You

ASMR Sounds To Help You Relax

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Rain on Leaves

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Walk on Path

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Rain in Car

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Thunder - Rain

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Whale Song

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Lapping Waves

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The MindSpace Podcast is about human potential, about how we find that spark of magnificence when we hit our lowest point in life. As often, it is these moments that we seem to open the doors to the possibility that we might be capable of something greater than we have been led to believe our entire lives. We kick around the concepts and show how the “Magic” has shown up in our day to day living so that others might have a glimpse of the possibility of the same magic. The MindSpace Podcast has been uploaded and provided at the following locations. I will add more as they are made available. Click a link below to visit and subscribe to your favorite podcast provider.

A Few Meditations I Recorded For You

**I will have more meditations coming.
These are in quite high demand, so I am a little busy creating them.

Some ASMR Sounds To Help You Relax

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Rain on Leaves

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Walk on Path

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Rain in Car

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Thunder - Rain

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Whale Song

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Lapping Waves

**I will have more ASMR coming.
If you would prefer something different, please contact me.

How I Began Meditating

I am a school teacher, and life can be challenging at times. To make some changes, both mentally and physically, at the end of July 2019, I rediscovered meditation, with the help of Dr. Joe Dispenza, and the incredible work he does. I then discovered his Youtube channel and began watching the testimonials of people practicing his work. And I could not stop watching them. (over 350 videos at that time) People from all walks of life, Scientists, doctors, health care workers, teachers, stay at home moms, you name it. The list went on and on.

The main thing they all had in common was just how much Joe's meditations had changed their lives, and how incredibly it had changed them. Live's of turmoil soothed; tumors were gone, spinal damage fixed, hearing back, eyesight fixed and maybe more significant than this, the incredible mystical experiences people were having. It seems that for many, no matter how much damage there was, if the work had been put in, it was possible to rise above these ailments. Scientists are always touting just how amazing meditation can be for us, and I used to meditate many years ago, but it was a lackluster event for me, not truly finding my peace within. It wasn't until I had begun the guided meditations of Dr. Joe Dispenza that I felt the pieces come together in many aspects of my life.

What Meditation Can Do

About the playlists:

I have done my best to group all of the appropriate diseases in the correct categories. Though a few playlists have other semi-related testimonials in there, as they help bolster the understanding of how individuals achieved their goals.

After some months of sitting on the growing playlist on YouTube, I decided to break down the videos into smaller and more specific playlists for healing successes or breakthroughs on individual diseases and life issues. This would be of service to those who had lost all hope, a beacon of light for many that would stumble across them.

Please note: I am not affiliated with Dr. Joe and his company in any way. I am simply a pleased customer that wants to share his success and principles.

Click any category below to be taken to the playlist on Youtube. Please feel free to share this page by using the provided buttons

Testimonial Playlists
to Inspire You

99% of these video playlists are testimonials to Dr. Joe Dispenza's work. As Dr. Joe's team releases more videos, I will add them to the appropriate category. May they inspire you to delve deeply into his work, to improve yourself, and inspire others. Please come back often, as I will continuously be adding to these playlists.

Health Issues - Video Testimonials

While I completely believe in Dr. Dispenza’s techniques, and I have experienced many miraculous things in the years that I have been meditating for. Truly mesmerizing things. I also know those daily habits and the understanding of what we consume is of major importance. I believe we can overcome to have miracle-like healing’s, But we stand a far better chance when we educate ourselves on food and dietary habits and the things to look out for in order to hedge our bets when it comes to health and the quality of living. Please consider checking out the Health pages within my site which will be filled over the coming months with lots and lots of research, data and latest findings to get your ultimate well-being.

Some of us simply find it hard to meditate. Some of us find it hard to imagine and picture things in our minds. For some this is even impossible as our brains are simply wired differently. For those of you that are like this, please check out the health pages and begin the process of learning what it is, that makes us sick and those habits that can help keep us healthy and vibrant into old age.

Much Love Always,



Other Videos

Dr. Joe Dispenza Testimonials (ALL)
Manifesting a Loving Partner (coming shortly)

Dr. Joe Dispenza Q&A
Breathing Techniques
Mystical Experiences


Kathy Courtney: Show 8

Follow Kathy on Instagram

Michele Taylor Show 6

Follow Michele on Instagram

Emily in France Show 5

Emily's Blog

Quantum Kimmy Show 4

Kimmy's YouTube Channel

Synchronicities #3

Boosting Meditations #2

MindSpace Intro #1

How To Perform the Moving Meditation Section

conversations about the power that resides within us all

Mind Movies!

Put headphones on, watch this video and follow the instructions. This is a Mind Movie for health and wellness. Watch this daily to step into a new you, a better you!

How to Make Your Mind Movie
(first version)

Free Mind Movie Tutorial Below!

There are so many websites ripping people off for Mind Movie creations when the truth is that they can be created quite simply all by yourself. I am a high school teacher, and one of the things I teach students is how to make videos.
A Mind Movie is simply a slide show set to music. So let's look at some free options on how to create our very own mind movies to help inspire us each day.

Please read below for links, codes, and step by step how-tos. I will also be performing a live demonstration on facebook in the coming week or so. Subscribe to the popup mailing list to be notified when I'll be doing those live demonstrations, where you can ask questions! I will be creating a mind movie form for those that would rather I create the movie, filled with images to choose from and music too. You choose and submit, and I'll do the rest. Maybe you have no time or don't like the technical aspects. Whatever your reason, I'll be happy to do the work for you. Just click the ad to the right.

Free Mind Movie Tutorial Below!

There are so many websites ripping people off for Mind Movie creations when the truth is that they can be created quite simply all by yourself. I am a high school teacher, and one of the things I teach students is how to make videos.
A Mind Movie is simply a slide show set to music. So let's look at some free options on how to create our very own mind movies to help inspire us each day.

Please read below for links, codes, and step by step how-tos. I will also be performing a live demonstration on facebook in the coming week or so. Subscribe to the popup mailing list to be notified when I'll be doing those live demonstrations, where you can ask questions! I will be creating a mind movie form for those that would rather I create the movie, filled with images to choose from and music too. You choose and submit, and I'll do the rest. Maybe you have no time or don't like the technical aspects. Whatever your reason, I'll be happy to do the work for you. Just click the ad to the right.

First Method - Google Apps


Image Categories For Making a Mind Movie

Write out your life categories for your mind movie. This list will help you gather the images you require to make an excellent Mind Movie, just like Dr. Joe Dispenza suggests. You will be placing these images in your movie in order. EG: All the health-related ones together, the finances one together, etc. I have created a Mind Movie category list online that you can copy for yourself in the green button link, which says "Download Example Category List."

For example, life categories might be:
Overall Health
Stomach Issues
• Mental Health
Family Life
Financial Abundance
House / Cars etc.


Finding the Right Sized Images For Your Mind Movie

Option 1 - Unsplash.com

Unsplash is a website that allows you to download images for free to use for whatever you want! The only issue with unsplash is that you might not find all the pictures for all of the categories that you wish to.:

The images are large and would be able to be used in your mind movie. Ideally, you would require landscape image (images that are larger side to side, than top to bottom.

visit the site by clicking the green button here that says, "Go to Unsplash." I have set that button to show results for "beautiful hair."

Download these images, as you need them for your mind movie.

Option 2 - Web Search

Open any web browser and search for images in the address bar or search bar, using the following wording. For example, if you are searching for Beautiful Hair, you would type:

Beautifuil Hair + .jpg imagesize:1920x1080

These images will be big enough to use in your mind movie when we begin putting it together. I created a link to the right, that will search for you. Swap out the text at the beginning to change the images.

When you are in google searching for images, click on the thumbnail you wish to use, and it will open up into a more extensive section of the window. Right-click or "Control" click the larger image and save it to a folder on your computer for later use. Make sure the picture looks clean and sharp enough to use. If it is a lousy image, look for a better image.

To search for another type of image, swap the text at the beginning like so:

from: Beautiful Hair + .jpg imagesize:1920x1080
to: Luxurious Home + .jpg imagesize:1920x1080 etc.

The green button on this page that says "Image Search Here" will open the webpage with the code already in place for you.


Finding the Right Song For Your Mind Movie

We now need to find music. The easiest method currently is to grab music from YouTube with a little trick. I will talk about copyright at the end of the tutorial, so please read to the end. :) I tried using music I own, but it seemed this method had issues with it, so I will show you what worked best for me. I can use my music, but I want to keep this ultra-simple for now.

Visit youtube and find the song that inspires you. Find the song that truly inspires YOU. This link is purely a random song with no affiliation to me. Once you have found that song on YouTube, copy the full address in the YouTube address bar as shown in the image here.

The green button on this page that says "Visit YouTube Find Your Song" will open YouTube for you.


Converting the Video to an Audio MP3 File

Now you have copied the youtube link for the song you like, visit this website (no affiliation to me) and paste the address into the address window of that page, as shown in the video above and in the image here.


The green button on this page that says "Convert Video to MP3 Audio" will open the webpage for you.

There are many sites out there that will convert youtube video's to audio files. Simply search for "convert Youtube video to mp3" and you should find one without issue. Just use your discretion as to what site you feel you can trust.


Sign Up For a Google Account (FREE)

Google has SO many amazing applications you can use for free. We are first going to look at 2 of them. The first being Google Drive. Google drive is like a portable hard drive, where we can store all of our files. Making our images and music accessible anywhere we are, on any device. I can even create mind movies using my iPhone with this method.

The green button associated with this section will take you right to google to sign up or to sign in. If you already have an account, skip to the next section.



Open Google Drive (FREE)

Once you have logged into Google Drive, you are going to either drop in your images and audio you have gathered from the web right into that window, or create beautiful and neat folders. Perhaps one called "Mind Movie," then inside of that, you have a folder that says "images," and one for "music."

One you have placed your images into Google Drive, you are ready to go to the next step.



Open Google Slides (FREE)

You are now ready to begin creating your mind movie. Watch the 2nd tutorial video at the bottom of the page to create your slide show. You can skip the parts you have already done, by dragging the play-head in the video player.

I will come back to this section to type out step by step instructions for this section too to fine-tune it. My regular paying work is building up, and I need to get to that for the rest of the evening. So give me a few days, and I'll also place the how-to for that section also.

I also need to show you how to turn that into a movie, although the slideshow is no different. In essence, if you play it on your phone or computer, you can record the screen and save it as a movie. More info coming... Stay tuned!

Furthermore, I will show you how to use free professional software to edit your mind movies to a much higher degree. That will be coming in the days ahead this coming week!

, all of this can be done on any device, from iPhone to tablet, to a desktop computer, if you take your time and understand what you are doing.

See the very bottom of this page for the example slide show that was played and recorded on my iPhone, using the instructions above.



If you use unsplash for your images, you are good to go! But if you gather random images from google etc. You might need to look into copyright issues. Although, if you are only truly using this for your own personal use, and no one else is going to see it, I do not expect anyone is going to be tracking you down.

I use a service online to gather my images for commercial purposes, such as elements.envato.com. You do not need to do this, as you are simply using the images for personal use. Technically, you still need to buy images and music, but if you are only using it on your phone and no one else will see it, I use images and music from wherever under these circumstances.

When I create mind movies for people, I have to buy the images and music to cover myself (and you) legally. I would suggest using the images from google, but do not share the movie with anyone else.

If you are genuinely concerned about using copyrighted images and music, here is an in-depth look at that subject.

Do not take my word for it, (as I am not held responsible for anyone's actions) though I do not feel as though anyone will come knocking on your door.



Is This Simply All Too Much For You?

I've been making videos for over 25 years now and do quite well on YouTube.

I am currently not taking on new orders of creating Mind Movies for anyone, as I have to charge too much for a mind movie. Since I work on a mind movie for around 1-2 days on average, my hourly rate is too much for most. I am hoping that later this summer, I will have a much more realistic mind-movie creation service for you within the pages of this site.

I envision charging in the region of $65 for a 4-minute mind movie, but of a quality that stands heads and shoulders above other mind movies out there. Meanwhile, I have created a Mind Movie 2.0 at this location, and I will have others arriving in the months ahead.

This Mind Movie is a 20 minute long soul boosting meditation.

Feel free to contact me if you need help and I'll see if I am free to create one for you.

How to Find Images and Music - Part 1

Placing Images & Music Into the Mind Movie Slideshow - Part 2

Example of Google Slide Show Recorded on my iPhone

No part of this blog post may be reproduced without permission.
The Website and all Content Designed and Created by Andrew Jones
© 2023 Andrew Jones. All rights reserved.